Pet Care in Delaware

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Nicole M.
1 Verification Hired 3 times
  • From $15
  • Delaware
1 Verification Hired 3 times
Animal lover looking to care for your pets
| Hi, I'm Nicole! I'm a passionate animal lover, looking to care for your pets when needed. I have grown up all my life with cats, and have dog sat for friends. I have also taken care of birds and small animals like hamsters/guinea pigs. I would love to help and take care of your pets!
... more
  • From $15
  • Delaware
Animal lover looking to care for your pets
| Hi, I'm Nicole! I'm a passionate animal lover, looking to care for your pets when needed. I have grown up all my life with cats, and have dog sat for friends. I have also taken care of birds and small animals like hamsters/guinea pigs. I would love to help and take care of your pets!
... more
Nicole is wonderful. She looked after my two boys for a period of time and was great. Anyone would be lucky to have Nicole help you out. Dependable, hardworking and kind. Thanks Nicole for everything."
... "more
Reviewed by Allison S.
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Delaware

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