Cat Sitters in Prescott

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Patricia K.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Prescott
1 Verification
| I am past 50 and have always had cats. i AM ACTUALLY AN EDITOR SO MY WORK GOES WITH ME. My last 3 CATS died of old age around 18 years. We have sat in luxury houses (with cats), farm (with cows sheep, lamas, cats, dog and donkey). Cats love me and know they are loved and cared for so trust me. We like to travel here and there so cat sit when we are free. It is always better for the cats to be able to stay in their own home and in their same routine. Available at short notice and charge only for the stay. We bring our own linens and food. We can do all of the Ottawa area, Kingston area and Peterborough depending on the time frame....
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  • From $10
  • Prescott
| I am past 50 and have always had cats. i AM ACTUALLY AN EDITOR SO MY WORK GOES WITH ME. My last 3 CATS died of old age around 18 years. We have sat in luxury houses (with cats), farm (with cows sheep, lamas, cats, dog and donkey). Cats love me and know they are loved and cared for so trust me. We like to travel here and there so cat sit when we are free. It is always better for the cats to be able to stay in their own home and in their same routine. Available at short notice and charge only for the stay. We bring our own linens and food. We can do all of the Ottawa area, Kingston area and Peterborough depending on the time frame....
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From $10 \
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Cat Sitters in Prescott

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