Cat Sitters in Oka

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Tina N.
  • From $10
  • Oka
I dedicate my time to cat sit.
| I work at home on my lap top, so I'm available to be here for a pet. I always had a cat ever since I was 3 years old. I love them. My last cat passed away on May 9th 2022 and I was too heart broken to get another cat, so I decided to cat sit instead. To take care of other peoples cat's when they go off on vacation, or moving, or going into work and you want to make sure your cat has company and is fed on time or needs their medication on time or to make sure that the cat has fresh water.
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  • From $10
  • Oka
I dedicate my time to cat sit.
| I work at home on my lap top, so I'm available to be here for a pet. I always had a cat ever since I was 3 years old. I love them. My last cat passed away on May 9th 2022 and I was too heart broken to get another cat, so I decided to cat sit instead. To take care of other peoples cat's when they go off on vacation, or moving, or going into work and you want to make sure your cat has company and is fed on time or needs their medication on time or to make sure that the cat has fresh water.
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From $10 \
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Cat Sitters in Oka

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