Pet Care in Bragg Creek

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Nez H.
  • From $10
  • Bragg Creek
Dog caretaker, walker. I’m also an amazing cook as well as a professional French Macaron Baker.
| - I just returned from Denver/CO after taking care of 2 wonderful Weimaraners for 10 days. I was given a 5 star review at the end of my sit. Happy to provide details if needs to! - I love pets, especially dogs, passionately! I can sense their energy and they can sense mine and we usually bond in no time! - I am a graphic designer from Toronto. I changed careers and now roast organic coffee in BraggCreek, AB, as well as bake French Macaroni's professionally. Used to own my own café and did very well. I basically love: Dogs, good coffee, pets in general, riding horses, nature, architecture and design. If you hire me to look after your dog/pet, or to walk your dog, I guarantee you will never find a better sitter. This is a passion, before anything else. Below is the review I just received after my latest house/pet sit. Wishing you a wonderful day. - - Nez Nez recently sat for us while we were traveling in Europe. Everything with our sit went just perfect and I would recommend having Nez take care of your home and pets. Nez communicated with us often with updates and responded very quickly whenever I sent her a text.
... more
  • From $10
  • Bragg Creek
Dog caretaker, walker. I’m also an amazing cook as well as a professional French Macaron Baker.
| - I just returned from Denver/CO after taking care of 2 wonderful Weimaraners for 10 days. I was given a 5 star review at the end of my sit. Happy to provide details if needs to! - I love pets, especially dogs, passionately! I can sense their energy and they can sense mine and we usually bond in no time! - I am a graphic designer from Toronto. I changed careers and now roast organic coffee in BraggCreek, AB, as well as bake French Macaroni's professionally. Used to own my own café and did very well. I basically love: Dogs, good coffee, pets in general, riding horses, nature, architecture and design. If you hire me to look after your dog/pet, or to walk your dog, I guarantee you will never find a better sitter. This is a passion, before anything else. Below is the review I just received after my latest house/pet sit. Wishing you a wonderful day. - - Nez Nez recently sat for us while we were traveling in Europe. Everything with our sit went just perfect and I would recommend having Nez take care of your home and pets. Nez communicated with us often with updates and responded very quickly whenever I sent her a text.
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From $10 \
Kirsten M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Bragg Creek
1 Verification
Pet/Horse/House/Acreage sitting in Priddis/Bragg Creek/Millarville.
| Hi! Do you need someone to stay at your place and take care of your animals while you are away? I will pet/house sit for you in Priddis/Millarville/Bragg Creek and surrounding area. I am a female in my 40's and have experience with dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, etc. Your dogs can also stay at my place in Bragg Creek if they are ok being alone for a few hours during the day.
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  • From $10
  • Bragg Creek
Pet/Horse/House/Acreage sitting in Priddis/Bragg Creek/Millarville.
| Hi! Do you need someone to stay at your place and take care of your animals while you are away? I will pet/house sit for you in Priddis/Millarville/Bragg Creek and surrounding area. I am a female in my 40's and have experience with dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, etc. Your dogs can also stay at my place in Bragg Creek if they are ok being alone for a few hours during the day.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Bragg Creek

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