Pet Care in Bonnyville

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Audrey-Rose C.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Bonnyville
1 Verification
Dynamic pet sitter and dog walker located in Bonnyville!
| Hello, My name is Audrey-Rose and i have multiple years of experience with dogs and cats. I’m really active so making your pet have some exercise is not a problem at all! I had 4 dogs in my life! I’m an animal lover :) I currently have a dog named Rocket and I am really into walking and also finding ways to get the dogs engage during walks and at home. I am comfortable feeding, grooming (brush fur, brush teeth, bath), walking and play with your animal!
... more
  • From $15
  • Bonnyville
Dynamic pet sitter and dog walker located in Bonnyville!
| Hello, My name is Audrey-Rose and i have multiple years of experience with dogs and cats. I’m really active so making your pet have some exercise is not a problem at all! I had 4 dogs in my life! I’m an animal lover :) I currently have a dog named Rocket and I am really into walking and also finding ways to get the dogs engage during walks and at home. I am comfortable feeding, grooming (brush fur, brush teeth, bath), walking and play with your animal!
... more
From $15 \
Meegan M.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Bonnyville
1 Verification
Pet sitter who I willing to work with a variety of animals.
| I own personally two dogs but help care for 5 dogs in my household. I live on a farm and have owned and helped care for chickens, birds, rodents, goats, cats and dogs.
... more
  • From $15
  • Bonnyville
Pet sitter who I willing to work with a variety of animals.
| I own personally two dogs but help care for 5 dogs in my household. I live on a farm and have owned and helped care for chickens, birds, rodents, goats, cats and dogs.
... more
From $15 \
Paige F.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Bonnyville
1 Verification
Experienced and responsible pet carer
| My name is Paige, I have had a love for animals since I was about 4 years old. I have owned a multitude of pets including dogs, cats, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mice, salamander, gecko, snake, hermit crab, fish and even bugs. I'm not shy about cleaning up poop or messes of any sort. Message me if you're interested in my pet care services.
... more
  • From $10
  • Bonnyville
Experienced and responsible pet carer
| My name is Paige, I have had a love for animals since I was about 4 years old. I have owned a multitude of pets including dogs, cats, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mice, salamander, gecko, snake, hermit crab, fish and even bugs. I'm not shy about cleaning up poop or messes of any sort. Message me if you're interested in my pet care services.
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From $10 \
Shanice M.
  • From $10
  • Bonnyville
Hello my name is Shanice!
| I love animals, I think they are the cutest. And I understand that going away from your animal is tough, been there. And you need someone trustworthy to watch them.
... more
  • From $10
  • Bonnyville
Hello my name is Shanice!
| I love animals, I think they are the cutest. And I understand that going away from your animal is tough, been there. And you need someone trustworthy to watch them.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Bonnyville

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