Pet Care in Beausejour

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Elisia F.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Beausejour
1 Verification
I like animals more than i like people
| My favourite thing in the world is animals, and i’d love to make more furry friends! i’ve worked at a dog daycare before, so i’ve had experience with all kinds of reactivity in dogs, and their different needs!
... more
  • From $15
  • Beausejour
I like animals more than i like people
| My favourite thing in the world is animals, and i’d love to make more furry friends! i’ve worked at a dog daycare before, so i’ve had experience with all kinds of reactivity in dogs, and their different needs!
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From $15 \
Jessica H.
  • From $10
  • Beausejour
Loving,respectful, caring animal sitter for hire.
| Love animals, caring, respectful, responsible and always had a dog or pet since 3years old. Bigger the dog the better imo. Currently have BullMastiff XXL
... more
  • From $10
  • Beausejour
Loving,respectful, caring animal sitter for hire.
| Love animals, caring, respectful, responsible and always had a dog or pet since 3years old. Bigger the dog the better imo. Currently have BullMastiff XXL
... more
From $10 \
Megan J.
  • From $10
  • Beausejour
Energetic and loving dog owner
| Hello my name is Megan, I am a fur mama to two beautiful malamute husky mixes. I enjoy running with them and playing in our front yard. I am an energetic fun loving person who absolutely has a passion for dogs
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  • From $10
  • Beausejour
Energetic and loving dog owner
| Hello my name is Megan, I am a fur mama to two beautiful malamute husky mixes. I enjoy running with them and playing in our front yard. I am an energetic fun loving person who absolutely has a passion for dogs
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From $10 \
Chelsea B.
  • From $10
  • Beausejour
I am a young adult who wants to achieve her goals one day to become a professional dog sitter
| I provide care to people's pets, I am currently taking care of my clients pets and their homes. I make sure the animals needs are being met, and that their pets go outside and that they eat at a certain time. My accomplishments are making sure they get well taken care of. I also watch that their house is safe and kept clean. less
... more
  • From $10
  • Beausejour
I am a young adult who wants to achieve her goals one day to become a professional dog sitter
| I provide care to people's pets, I am currently taking care of my clients pets and their homes. I make sure the animals needs are being met, and that their pets go outside and that they eat at a certain time. My accomplishments are making sure they get well taken care of. I also watch that their house is safe and kept clean. less
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Beausejour

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