Pet Care in Bath

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Brianna S.
  • From $10
  • Bath
i love animals and i do puppy sit a 6 month old & 4 month old puppy for a family friend.
| i often puppy sit a 6 month old and 4 month puppies, ive been assisting with training and feeding. ive also done oral medicating with a larger dog.
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  • From $10
  • Bath
i love animals and i do puppy sit a 6 month old & 4 month old puppy for a family friend.
| i often puppy sit a 6 month old and 4 month puppies, ive been assisting with training and feeding. ive also done oral medicating with a larger dog.
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From $10 \
Sondra E.
  • From $10
  • Bath
Sondra’s pet service
| I have had several pets of my own. From a small pug toy poodle up to an 80 pound Briard along with a quarter horse. I have closed my pet store and am looking at reinventing myself. Time to pursue my passion rather than just earn a living.There I was educated on good food and the needs of pets and an understanding of their care. I am kind ,compassionate person who loves animals and treats them with love , respect and understanding.
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  • From $10
  • Bath
Sondra’s pet service
| I have had several pets of my own. From a small pug toy poodle up to an 80 pound Briard along with a quarter horse. I have closed my pet store and am looking at reinventing myself. Time to pursue my passion rather than just earn a living.There I was educated on good food and the needs of pets and an understanding of their care. I am kind ,compassionate person who loves animals and treats them with love , respect and understanding.
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From $10 \
Paige C.
  • From $15
  • Bath
Animals are my bffs
| Hi! 
 I’m Paige, a lifelong lover of animals and dedicated pet sitter who knows how much our furry babies mean to us. I've been around pets my entire life. With years of experience caring for other pets, as well as my own pup, Eldorado, I understand how important it is for pets to feel comfortable, loved, and safe when their owners are away. My goal as a pet sitter is to make sure every animal feels right at home, whether it’s through play, snuggles, or a peaceful walk.
I take my job seriously and am committed to giving every pet my full attention and care, treating them like my own. Being around animals has always brought me joy, and I love being able to share that by providing owners with peace of mind. Your baby deserves the best care, I’m here to make sure they get that :)

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  • From $15
  • Bath
Animals are my bffs
| Hi! 
 I’m Paige, a lifelong lover of animals and dedicated pet sitter who knows how much our furry babies mean to us. I've been around pets my entire life. With years of experience caring for other pets, as well as my own pup, Eldorado, I understand how important it is for pets to feel comfortable, loved, and safe when their owners are away. My goal as a pet sitter is to make sure every animal feels right at home, whether it’s through play, snuggles, or a peaceful walk.
I take my job seriously and am committed to giving every pet my full attention and care, treating them like my own. Being around animals has always brought me joy, and I love being able to share that by providing owners with peace of mind. Your baby deserves the best care, I’m here to make sure they get that :)

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From $15 \
Alyxandra R.
  • From $10
  • Peterborough
Loving, and reliable pet caregiver
| University student, with a large range of experience, and a love for animals and caregiving looking to apply herself.
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  • From $10
  • Peterborough
Loving, and reliable pet caregiver
| University student, with a large range of experience, and a love for animals and caregiving looking to apply herself.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Bath

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