Pet Care in Arthur

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Ritchel R.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Arthur
1 Verification
I love animals.
| I have 7 dogs and 2 cats in the philippines and I have been taking care of them for 2 years until I came here. I cleaned up my cats litter, walking my dogs, taking them to bath every sunday and have been making their food and feeding them. Also playing with them outdoor. One thing about me is that I am very close to animals.
... more
  • From $15
  • Arthur
I love animals.
| I have 7 dogs and 2 cats in the philippines and I have been taking care of them for 2 years until I came here. I cleaned up my cats litter, walking my dogs, taking them to bath every sunday and have been making their food and feeding them. Also playing with them outdoor. One thing about me is that I am very close to animals.
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From $15 \
Kaylyn S.
  • From $15
  • Arthur
I like pets I am used to walking pets and taking care of them
| I don’t have that much experience I just need the money and I love pets
... more
  • From $15
  • Arthur
I like pets I am used to walking pets and taking care of them
| I don’t have that much experience I just need the money and I love pets
... more
From $15 \
Kaylyn S.
  • From $10
  • Arthur
I love pets I love feeding them. I love taking care of them and I need a job for summer
| Hi my name is Kaylyn and I am looking for a swimmer job I love animals and are friendly with them
... more
  • From $10
  • Arthur
I love pets I love feeding them. I love taking care of them and I need a job for summer
| Hi my name is Kaylyn and I am looking for a swimmer job I love animals and are friendly with them
... more
From $10 \
Lawna A.
1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From $10
  • Durham
1 Verification Hired 2 times
Animal lover, service dog owner and registered social worker available to accommodate your needs!
| I am a Registered Social Worker by trade and love working with humans but my heart lays with animals - dogs, cats, horses, you name it! I have 20 plus years with my own pets, and have a 13 year old retired shih tzu who was an autism support animal for 7 years. We worked hard together and kids absolutely loved him. I am patient, kind and understanding over all which allows animals to naturally warm up to me - there is no forcing. I am also quiet by nature which can work to my benefit but I can set boundaries with those personalities who need it so that we can have a healthy relationship. I have just moved back to the NOG 1R0 area, and would love to help you out with dog walking, daily check in's, daycare or overnight care with your furbabies so that you can have peace of mind, no matter what it is you're up to!
... more
  • From $10
  • Durham
Animal lover, service dog owner and registered social worker available to accommodate your needs!
| I am a Registered Social Worker by trade and love working with humans but my heart lays with animals - dogs, cats, horses, you name it! I have 20 plus years with my own pets, and have a 13 year old retired shih tzu who was an autism support animal for 7 years. We worked hard together and kids absolutely loved him. I am patient, kind and understanding over all which allows animals to naturally warm up to me - there is no forcing. I am also quiet by nature which can work to my benefit but I can set boundaries with those personalities who need it so that we can have a healthy relationship. I have just moved back to the NOG 1R0 area, and would love to help you out with dog walking, daily check in's, daycare or overnight care with your furbabies so that you can have peace of mind, no matter what it is you're up to!
... more
Alana was very experienced she jumped right in and started working on a supposed to be trail shift. We hired her right away, she was able to keep a calm composed voice and body language in a crisis, Alana being in an environment where she has to be sent free she was almost perfect on the first day:) December the 10th she has been hired for this family by the Private Care Coordinator Brenda R"
... "more
Reviewed by rcIoZG h.
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Arthur

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