Get your dream garden from the Gardening Gal!
I'm an experienced gardener and garden designer who works exclusively with private clients. I love making gardens grow and will create you a space you can enjoy without effort. Who doesn't want a gorgeous garden when you don't have to a lift a finger to get it?
As a gardener I can help you every step of the way, from planning to buying plants and getting them into the ground, weeding, watering, lawn care & ultimately helping you create the garden you see in your mind but not in your yard. I even bring in all the compost, soil and mulch you need (clients pay for materials and time).
Everything I do is 100% organic - I don't use pesticides or inorganic fertiliser. I'm also completely carbon neutral - no noisy and environmentally damaging mower. I'm also happy to work with zero contact - you won't even know I'm there.
Sat, Sun: All day
Mon to Fri: 7am to 2.30pm, 7pm to 7am during school year. In July and August I'm available mornings until 9am or after 7pm and all weekend.
$25/hour plus materials
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