Tutor 4 U
Richmond Hill L4C, Ontario
From $35
About Saman
null years old
Tutor 4 U was started by a team of passionate educators who aspired to bring learning to life. Tutor 4 U provides families with teachers that truly understand the essence of education. Not only do our tutors help students succeed academically but they also help them foster empowerment, positive thinking, and a thirst for curiosity.
At Tutor 4 U we also believe that every child has their own unique sets of skills; EVERY child has the capacity for greatness. No matter their weaknesses or strengths we help every student find the joy in learning. By creating pedagogy that develops all modalities, Tutor 4 U provides families with an essential service: helping children blossom into scholars of the future.
Comfortable with pets
Criminal Record / Vulnerable Sector Check
Purpose and preferred environment