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Lisa M.
Lasalle H8N, Quebec
From $20 /hr
year exp.
From $20
Hourly rate

About Lisa

38 years old Speaks English French
Hello, my name is Lisa. I am from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I speak English and French. I have a College Diploma in Communications, Arts, and Media and I am a certified TESOL and CELTA English teacher. I have a lot of experience working with children of all ages in various summer camps as well as on cruise ships for Carnival Cruise Lines. I taught English as a second language in Southern Italy to children, teenagers, and adults. Although most of my experience is teaching children, I also specialize in teaching lower to intermediate level adults. I have experience in planning engaging, student-centered, and fun lessons and presentations. I try to tailor my lessons towards my students’ needs and wants all depending on their goal. Because each student has their own strengths and weaknesses and ways of learning, I use auditory, visual, and kinesthetic methods in my lessons. I strive to create a fun and positive learning environment for my students. I would love to help students learn and improve their English as well as help them gain confidence in the English language. I look forward to meeting you and would be thrilled to work with you as your teacher.
Non-smoker Criminal Record / Vulnerable Sector Check


Middle school
Elementary school
High school




Purpose and preferred environment

Homework help
Home schooling
Special needs tutoring
Online Tutoring
Group lessons
Individual tutoring


College degree