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Emily P.
Mississauga L4Z, Ontario
From $17 /hr
year exp.
From $17
Hourly rate

About Emily

23 years old Speaks English Polish
I am a 3rd year student at the University of Toronto majoring in economics with a double minor in mathematics and statistics. In high school, I was in the AP math program receiving 100% all 4 years, which prepared me to pursue math in university where I continue to learn extensive knowledge in calculus. I have about 3 years of tutoring experience of students between grades 4-11. My experiences in tutoring initially occurred in an after school tutoring program where I volunteered to tutor fellow students in grade 10 and 11 and students in a nearby elementary school and continued on privately for the following years. My main goal is to encourage students to improve their academic performance and through experience I have achieved so by reviewing class material and providing necessary instruction with implementing extra exercises, assisting in solutions to homework and reviewing worksheets or assignments. I strive to teach students useful study and problem-solving skills as well as prepare them for writing tests. I am passionate about motivating and facilitating various levels of learners to improve in a nurturing environment that allows students to learn and grow.
Comfortable with pets


Middle school
Elementary school
High school




Purpose and preferred environment

Homework help
Online Tutoring
Individual tutoring


High school