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Umair S.
Windsor N9A, Ontario
From $18 /hr
From $18
Hourly rate

About Umair

40 years old
Although I am new to professional caregiving, I have gained valuable hands-on experience caring for my parents at home and during their hospitalizations. I assisted with daily activities such as helping them move around the house, and providing support with personal hygiene, including bathing, nail cutting, and dressing. I also managed meal preparation, medication reminders, and cleaning tasks, ensuring their living space was tidy and safe. Additionally, I helped buy and organize groceries, change linens, and keep their environment comfortable and organized. With strong attention to detail, patience, and a caring attitude, I am committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for needy individuals. I am confident in my ability to assist adults with mobility, maintain home cleanliness, and offer compassionate support with daily tasks like grocery shopping and household management. I am eager to apply these skills in a professional caregiving role to enhance others' quality of life and well-being.

Experience caring for

People living with

Down syndrome
Mobility challenges

Age groups

Adult (20-64 years)
