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Leah W.
Kingston K7L, Ontario
From $15 /hr
year exp.
From $15
Hourly rate

About Leah

26 years old
Hello! My name is Leah. I love working and playing with children of diverse needs and specialties. I am in third year at Queen's University and am 20 years old. I spend my extra time being involved in theatre and art in the community, as well as outdoor activities such as skating and hiking. I have a wide range of interests and can be very exciting and outgoing, as well as quiet and calm. I have a lot of experience working with children with neurological disorders. I work in a leadership position at a summer camp called Camp Winston, that specializes in children 7-17 years of age with complex neurologies (including but not limited to: ODD, PTSD, ADHD, FASD, Autism, Rage disorders, etc). Our staff is trained in problem-solving techniques, reflective listening, phrasing, and in Non-Violent Crisis Prevention. I am looking for occasional babysitting, possibly on a schedule, but not at all necessary as my schedule as a student is fluid. I have a G license, so am able to drive should I need to. I am very empathetic and truly just love to play and help out!
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

People living with

Blindness / Visual impairment
Down syndrome
Autism spectrum disorder
Cerebral palsy

Age groups

Teenager (13-19 years)
Child (2-12 years)
Adult (20-64 years)
Infant (up to 12 months)
See more
