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Leah P.
Thorold L2V, Ontario
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Leah

35 years old
Hello! My name is Leah and I’m a community RN, who does primarily overnight and school shifts. I do however, often have gaps in my schedule (especially during the summer months), and would love to bring in some extra income on my nights off, weekends or even overnights. I am also beginning my training as a doula and would be happy to provide postpartum support, and very low cost birth doula services until I have my full doula certification. I have experience supporting women through labor, delivery& postpartum in both personal and professional situations. I am passionate about women’s health, creating a positive labor/birth experience, and providing whatever support a woman says she needs. Before becoming a nurse, I was a professional nanny and worked in daycares and as a camp counsellor and inclusion worker, supporting individuals with disabilities. My medical training means I am able to provide a level of care for children/teens and dependent adults, that other care providers cannot. I have extensive experience with trach/vent dependent kiddos, O2 therapy, suctioning, ostomy care, tube feeds via pump or gravity and more. I look forward to chatting with you about your families unique needs and seeing if we are a good fit.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

People living with

Blindness / Visual impairment
Down syndrome

Age groups

Teenager (13-19 years)
Child (2-12 years)
Adult (20-64 years)
Senior (65+)
Infant (up to 12 months)
See more
