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Chinagolim A.
Waterloo N2J, Ontario
From $18 /hr
year exp.
From $18
Hourly rate

About Chinagolim

28 years old
One of the highest honors is genuinely caring for others, a sentiment that defines my passion for caregiving, particularly toward children and the elderly. They remind me of the unending circle of life. Being a 27-year-old, I currently reside with my spouse of two years. With four years of experience working in assisted living facilities, I am passionate about providing care for both elders and children. I exhibit an array of qualities, including charisma, care, and calmness, which enable me to offer a gentle touch coupled with empathy. Capable of providing both physical and emotional support to clients, I also respect cultural sensitivities. My skills include effective communication, excellent time management, unwavering patience, and precise organization. I find activities such as taking walks, reading, and playing board games. Trust me to take my job seriously and keep my relationship with my client highly professional.
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

People living with

Mobility challenges
Cognitive disabilities
Developmental delays

Age groups

Teenager (13-19 years)
Child (2-12 years)
Adult (20-64 years)
Senior (65+)
Infant (up to 12 months)
