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Precious O.
Thorold L2V, Ontario
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Precious

37 years old Speaks English
I am a motivated young woman, I'm motivated by meeting deadlines, targets and goals, I am at my best at work especially when I have responsibilities for important deadlines this gives me great sense of accomplishment and success. I'm motivated by learning new things when I get the opportunity to take a new role or learn new skills I am motivated because I know I am improving my depth of knowledge and experience and also I love working with team members to successfully complete tasks and goals. I am an excellent fit because I know I can deliver excellent results and also a great addition to the team members. Person centered care to me is providing care, needs and values ensuring that the individual values guide all clinical decisions. I practice it by respecting the client’s or individual values preferences and expressed needs, coordination and integration of care, physical comfort and emotional support to alleviate there fear or anxiety.
Has own transportation Experience with nursing


Live-out care
Nursing & health care


Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
Personal Support Worker
College degree