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Philomina A.
Saint-Laurent H4N, Quebec
From $16 /hr
year exp.
From $16
Hourly rate

About Philomina

39 years old Speaks English
I call myself a born nurse because, I started nursing in my home. Whenever someone is sick in my family, I was always the one to be called because of the love and attention I give them. When my paternal aunt was sick and became bed ridden, I was the one who cared for her till she passed on. I was bathing her, treating pressure areas though I didn’t understand what it meant. Feeding her and changing her position and changing and washing her soiled clothes. Then after high school, family members and friends encouraged me to study nursing because they think I have a calling to become a nurse. I love to put smiles on the faces of my patients, I love helping the weak and helpless. I am observant, I have good communication skills, I listen to my patients a lot. I can work under pressure. I am confidential and I treat my patients with love, kindness and respect to their dignity. I am versed in safety movement of my patients and good at housekeeping, preparing their meals and timely administration of their medications.
Experience with nursing


Mobility support
Meal preparation
Errands / Shopping
Nursing & health care
Live-in care
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CPR Certification
Physical Therapist
Special Needs Care Training
Personal Support Worker
College degree