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Megan V.
Guelph N1G, Ontario
From $40 /hr
year exp.
From $40
Hourly rate

About Megan

29 years old Speaks English
Hello, I'm Megan, R/RTO, a Recreational Therapist in the Guelph area. If you're in need of part-time respite care for your loved one, I'm here to offer my creative therapeutic services. With a background in art and 7 years experience working in community elder and dementia care, I love connecting with adults and seniors of all abilities. Finding different strategies that break barriers and support someone to live independently is like asking me to be the kid in the candy store. My passion is finding strategies that help your loved one live comfortably at home for as long as possible. My rate is $60 for an hour minimum for one-to-one therapeutic sessions. This includes assessments, supplies or any travel done during our session together. This also includes detailed documentation and photos sent to you via email. I use skills from education and certificates including: BA, RTGC, GPA, P.I.E.C.E.S, Safe Talk, Montessori, Foundations in Palliative Care, PSW Certification. I working with seniors across a wide range of physical and cognitive challenges, including: dementias and Alzheimer’s disease, acquired brain injury, Parkinson’s Disease, and varied mental health diagnoses.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets


Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Errands / Shopping


Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
Graduate Degree