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Madison N.
Lindsay K9V, Ontario
From $22 /hr
year exp.
From $22
Hourly rate

About Madison

23 years old Speaks English
Hi, my name is Maddi, and I have been working with seniors over the past five years. I have worked in Retirement and Long Term Care Homes as a PSW and a nursing student. I have experience providing one on one in-home support for seniors. Maintaining personal independence and autonomy is of utmost importance when working with clients. My educational background is in practical nursing at fleeing college, and I will be writing an exam soon for my license as an RPN. I also have multiple certifications I've completed in college, such as first aid mechanical lift training. I also have nonviolent crisis intervention training and knowledge within the nursing field. I have excellent references, which can be shared upon request. If you or a loved one needs extra assistance around the house, accompaniment to appointments or a friend to chat with, I am here to help. The safety of seniors is my number one priority, and I take every precaution to ensure the safety of my clients. I enjoy gardening, going for hikes and spending time outdoors with my family in my spare time, and I love meeting new people, experiencing new things, learning new things, and creating new bonds with clients.
Has own transportation Comfortable with pets Experience with nursing


Mobility support
Meal preparation
Errands / Shopping
Nursing & health care
Live-in care
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Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
Special Needs Care Training
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Personal Support Worker
College degree