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Kierra M.
Laval H7P, Quebec
From $17 /hr
year exp.
From $17
Hourly rate

About Kierra

28 years old
Hello! My name is Kierra , I am 23 years old and my passion is cooking and helping those in need during this difficult time. I have a DEP in professional cooking and a hygiene and food safety certificate (MAPQ). I have approximately 3 years of experience in cooking for restaurants and catering. I would absolutely love to do meal preparation for those who need it most. I will take the proper hygiene measures regarding COVID 19, bringing my own masks, gloves and disinfectant. I am very proficient in domestic chores such as preparing meals and cleaning. I am exceptionally patient, good at listening and responding to others' needs. I have the ability to multi-task, be flexible and organized. I will prepare and encourage proper diet and nutrition based on each client’s individual needs. I can: Create meal plans Go grocery shopping Prepare food for cooking Cook or reheat meals Do the dishes Clean and disinfect the kitchen Thank you very much for taking the time to read my description, I am looking forward to helping out however I can.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets


Meal preparation