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Kelly M.
Lindsay K9V, Ontario
From $17 /hr
year exp.
From $17
Hourly rate

About Kelly

58 years old Speaks English French
Being a Registered Nurse, who cared for people in great distress, in emergency, acute situations. Most of my extensive training and certifications are for advanced Life Support, coronary care, or Intensive care, or whatever would bring you to the emergency department. I have since for the last 3 yrs slowed myself down, I retired but still want to do shifts to help. I have my advanced cardiac life support certificate as well as my neonatal advanced life support as well as PALS.I also have my Basic trauma life support, I have since retired and I am looking to help a family or families that need help with any age group. I have 3 elderly patients at the moment,I enjoy all of my patients, I really like to go above and beyond for my patients especially if they need it. What I have found some days are rougher than others, and even if my hour time limit is up I stay until the issue is dealt with.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets Experience with nursing


Mobility support
Meal preparation
Errands / Shopping
Nursing & health care
Live-out care
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CPR Certification
Physical Therapist
Special Needs Care Training
Occupational Therapist
Personal Support Worker
College degree