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Jennifer E.
Saint-Hubert J4T, Quebec
From $17 /hr
year exp.
From $17
Hourly rate

About Jennifer

42 years old Speaks English Portuguese (Portugal) French
Growing up with my grandparents I have developed a fondness for the elderly. I have completed my course in Home Care Assistance as well as Assistant in Health Care Facilities (préposée aux béneficiares) in 2017. I am now working as a Home Care provider with a non profit for the past 6 years. Before deciding to enroll in the program I already acquired an abundance of personal experience in my personal life, from caring for grandparents with cancer and one with dementia. I would love to be able to provide someone with companionship, provide any hygiene or mobility needs and help out with household chores if necessary. I also have a child with special needs, therefore have experience on a daily basis caring for someone with limited mobility. Looking forward to hearing back and hopefully being able to provide the care/assistance that you are looking for. Best regards, Jennifer
Has own transportation Comfortable with pets Experience with nursing


Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Domestic work
Personal care (bathing, grooming)


Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
College degree