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Jamie Cathleen M.
Thornhill L4J, Ontario
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Jamie Cathleen

38 years old Speaks English
I have an administrative background and education in Graphic Design, Law Clerk and Medical Aesthetics. However, I have been caring for a 101 year old lady for the past 12+ years. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I have completed the Home Support Worker Program (pre-PSW program) so I have some theory regarding caring for the elderly. My duties included: grocery shopping, bringing her to appointments, picking up her medicine/administering her medication (her eyesight/hearing is going), household cleaning/laundry and meal prepping (breakfast, lunch, dinner). I also am knowledgeable on giving a bed bath and or sponge bath, so I often help her with that since has bad knees and isn't as mobile. I help dress her for the day and get her ready for bedtime. Additionally, roll her hair and do her makeup for outings. I have also been her companion and done activities like playing cards. Lastly, she has a 4-wheel walker rollator, which I help her with in and out of the house/in and out of car. References available upon request.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets


Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Domestic work
Personal care (bathing, grooming)
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Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
College degree