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Hailey N.
Barrie L4N, Ontario
From $20 /hr
year exp.
From $20
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Hailey

25 years old Speaks English
I am open to doing single, short term or long term services as well as overnight. I am currently a student at Western University studying human development in psychology and health science but will be home between semesters (May 1st and September 1st). I love working with and spending time with elderly people. I am a fantastic cook,I enjoy cleaning, I am a good teacher/role model, I am active and encourage physical activity, I have my own car and am a very safe driver, and I am very responsible and flexible as well as energetic, caring and fun! I can also help in chores around the house or out in the community such as helping seniors get groceries, go for walks, help prepare meals and really whatever is needed. I am interested in doing this type of work because it is my passion to support, understand and help others and which is why I am studying human development in school and hope to go into a career that involves helping others. Please feel free to call/text or email if you have any questions or would like to inquire about services!
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets


Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Domestic work
Personal care (bathing, grooming)
See more


Driver's Licence
College degree