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Emily B.
Guelph N1K, Ontario
From $24 /hr
years exp.
From $24
Hourly rate

About Emily

28 years old Speaks English
My name is Emily, I completed my first year of Social Service Work with a focus in Gerontology at Seneca College in 2017. During my studies I held a co-op position working at an Alzheimer’s Day Program. This opportunity provided me with plenty of knowledge on the complex systemic needs of the ageing population. It was there that I learned how many gaps there are in the field of non-medical elder care, so I decided to embark on my own journey to provide care and support in a way that is not limited by the bureaucracy of the current care system. I really enjoy listening to people tell their life stories, talk about their achievements, and even the regrets that they may still hold. I’m kind, compassionate, respectful, and receptive. I also have a thick skin and a knack for getting even the most stubborn people to warm up to me, I take pride in my ability to make everyone feel cared for. I enjoy a good sense of humour and fun banter, but I am also professional and kind and I treat everyone with dignity along the way. I am available for non-medical end-of-life support, as well as assistance with post-loss estate cleanups. I am here to lean on when you need support. Please reach out if you feel called to enlist my service
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets


Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Domestic work


Driver's Licence
High school