Georgina S.
I broke my hip in a terrible care accident on August 10th/2016. I was in a lot of pain and distress and knew I needed help with my activities of daily living and personal care. A few older ladies in my community referred Christine to me and said she was the best at providing senior care and was unlike any other Care Aide as she goes above and beyond for her clients.
Needless to say, she stuck with me for over a year!! She helped me with pain management, we went for walks everyday with my new wheelchair, she did all my showers and housecleaning, laundry and grocery shopping. She did all my Christmas shopping for the grandchildren, wrapped all the gifts, hand made all the cards.
She has been my lifesaver! The car accident was the worst experience of my adult life, but out of this ordeal I now have a new daughter/angel in my life named Christine.
G. S.