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Chaitya V.
Thunder Bay P7B, Ontario
From $17 /hr
year exp.
From $17
Hourly rate

About Chaitya

22 years old
Caring for seniors is a responsibility that requires patience, compassion, and a deep understanding of the unique challenges that come with aging. As we age, it is not uncommon for our physical and mental health to decline, which can lead to a variety of issues that require specialized care. Whether it's helping with daily tasks like bathing and dressing or providing emotional support and companionship, caring for seniors is a noble profession that requires a special kind of person. Having experience in senior care can be incredibly rewarding, as it allows caregivers to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Many seniors rely on caregivers to provide the assistance they need to live comfortably and maintain their independence. Caregivers can help seniors manage their health, stay engaged with the world around them, and provide a sense of security and companionship that is often lacking in later life.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets Contactless


Live-in care
Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Domestic work
Personal care (bathing, grooming)
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