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Bobbi R.
Welland L3B, Ontario
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Bobbi

45 years old
Hi there, I am a compassionate hard-working naturally born to care for others. I graduated from Niagara college in 2005 as a PSW. I have long-term care experience within the region within the community within the NHS. I confidently provide quality of life and adapt to any given situation With 20 years experience. I have not worked as a PSW within the last year and a half as I find it very disheartening as the lack of care provided within the facilities and I am not willing to compromise any human being under my watch with the lack of care that they much deserve Without a question. It comes by me naturally. I have a personality that is easy for others to gain comfort and experience in difficult situations. I have been contacted by two register nurses that I worked under asking when I’m coming back and one of your staff, Trish Webb who referred me to use , as I am only looking to give quality care. I am proud of the job I do I do my job well and I gain from doing a very special roll needed so badly within our community.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets Experience with nursing


Live-out care
Mobility support
Meal preparation
Domestic work
Personal care (bathing, grooming)
See more


Driver's Licence
Special Needs Care Training
CPR Certification
Personal Support Worker
College degree