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Asma N.
Surrey V4N, British Columbia
From $20 /hr
year exp.
From $20
Hourly rate

About Asma

27 years old
Good Day! With over four years of experience in elderly care and physiotherapy, I specialize in providing compassionate and professional support tailored to meet each client's unique needs. I have extensive expertise in caring for individuals with conditions such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, hypertension, and dementia, focusing on improving mobility, managing chronic illnesses, and enhancing overall quality of life. My background includes managing over 100 physiotherapy cases and establishing home care services that have benefitted numerous elderly and disabled clients. As a CPR, AED, and First Aid certified professional, I ensure safety and reliability in all aspects of care. I am skilled in addressing complex health needs, including post-surgery rehabilitation, paralysis, and Alzheimer’s care. I offer assistance with daily activities like feeding, bathing, and personal hygiene, promoting dignity and comfort. Additionally, I provide physiotherapy support to enhance mobility and independence, medication management, and companionship to foster a positive environment. My commitment to high-quality caregiving ensures the well-being and comfort of those I serve. Best regards, Asma
