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Tayo A.
Welland L3C, Ontario
From $15 /hr
From $15
Hourly rate

About Tayo

41 years old
I have a combination of practical skills and interpersonal abilities with the following skills and experiences: Basic Knowledge of Animal Behavior: i Understand different species and their typical behavior helps make pets feel comfortable and secure. For instance, remaining calm when meeting a new dog and gaining their trust can make tasks like leash-walking or bathing easier. Adherence to Community Pet Regulations: I am aware of local pet regulations ensures the safety of community members and other animals. Responsibilities may include cleaning up after pets, using leashes in public areas, and maintaining control on private property. Good communication skills build trust and ensure high-quality care. Physical Ability: Walking and handling pets, especially larger dogs, requires physical strength and stamina. Empathy and Compassion: Understanding pets’ needs and emotions helps you provide attentive care. Problem-Solving Skills: Unexpected situations may arise, so being adaptable and resourceful is essential. Each pet is unique, and tailoring my approach to their specific needs is essential


based on 1 review
JF Johnathan F.
Reviewed on 13/02/2025
I'm calling you back because you did a excellent job last time you were here please call me back

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Extra large dogs > 30 kg
See more

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Overnight sitting $50 / night