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Simon P.
Toronto M6E, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Simon

18 years old
I am a sociable and open-minded person who can find contact with anybody, be that people or animals. I am also a responsible and punctual person who adheres to the arrangements and is never late. I adore animals and I have many hobbies connected with that, such as having an ant farm and reading books on zoology. I especially love cats and I think I have some connection with these animals. I grew up among them as both my parents and grandparents have always had cats at home. Right now, I am raising a 7-year-old Bengal female cat named Sekhmet who is very active and intelligent. Accordingly, I know a lot about cat’s health, habits, behaviour, likes and dislikes. I can feed a cat, clean after a cat, play with a cat and if necessary, train a cat (as I am doing all that with my Bengal). I do not have any veterinary experience as I am still only in high school. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to hearing from you, starting to work together and getting to know closer your pets.

Experience caring for


Services and pricing

Price per session

Day care $10 / day
Feeding $10 / visit
Walking $10 / walk