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Shanice F.
Brampton L6T, Ontario
From $15 /hr
year exp.
From $15
Hourly rate

About Shanice

28 years old
I am a lifelong cat-lover and an enthusiastic carer. I have experience fostering pets for family since kitten-hood, and have had 3 years doing so. I am attentive of their needs, and am happiest when they are happy. I pride myself in doing jobs that I am passionate about, and cats and their well-being are one of them. I will eagerly give them the petting, food, and play they may require or you may request of me, as long as you inform me of their specific needs. I don't have experience with claw-clipping or giving medication but otherwise I am orderly. with feedings and am very present when it comes to providing play and attention throughout the visit/stay. My current main transportation is through public transit and buses can be unpredictable with precise timing, but I will accommodate for such situations the best I can. Services: Feeding, grooming (combing/brushing fur if necessary), playing/entertaining, active surveillance, litter box cleaning. Not Specialties: Claw clipping, toothbrushing, special medication. I encourage a meet & greet session to assess the conditions of your cat's environment and temperament of the cat, as well as encouraging familiarity and healthy customer/sitter communication.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Young pets
Adult pets

Services and pricing

Price per session

Overnight sitting $25 / night
Day care $23 / day
Feeding $15 / visit