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Sara K.
Regina S4P, Saskatchewan
From $15 /hr
year exp.
From $15
Hourly rate

About Sara

32 years old
I have been caring for cats my whole life. In my home country, I have three rescued cats who were once very sick but are now healthy and happy. My sister and I started rescuing cats years ago, and it completely changed our lives—we cooked meals every night for stray cats in our neighborhood. Today, my sister runs a shelter for cats and dogs. I moved here eight months ago, and two months ago, I adopted a cat here as well. While I studied architecture and now pursue a Master’s in art, I’ve realized that my true passion isn’t art or anything else—it’s cats. I’ve never done this as a job before, but I’m excited to start! I offer cat feeding, playtime, litter cleaning, companionship, and more. I understand their behaviors, needs, and emotions deeply. Whether it’s a friendly cat or a shy rescue, I know how to make them feel safe and loved. And guess what? I also have plenty of delicious homemade cat food recipes that I can cook for your cat! Because honestly, one, two, three… even a hundred cats are never enough.

Experience caring for


Services and pricing

Price per session

Overnight sitting $25 / night
Day care $25 / day
Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $20 / walk