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Melanie R.
Maple Ridge V2X, British Columbia
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Melanie

29 years old
Hello dear Dogwoners, My name is Melanie I’m 26 years old and recently just moved here from Austria with my 3 year old Labrador mix. I grew up with dogs since I was a baby and always walked dogs around town while high school. My dog Stella and I love to meet new fur friends and I can promise you I’ll treat your dog like mine. For me my “little” furball is my best friend and my baby, she’s part of the family. Your dog would be treated the exact same way. We love to play, go for long nice walks and have a lot of cuddle time during the day. So if you ever need help with your dog in anyway feel free to contact me. I’m looking forward to hearing from you! :)
Non-smoker Has own transportation


based on 2 reviews
FV Fazilah V.
Reviewed on 26/02/2022
Seemed very nice to talk to, but didn't show up for her interview nor has she contacted us to reschedule.

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Extra large dogs > 30 kg
See more

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $15 / hour
Grooming $25 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $15 / walk
Overnight sitting $25 / night
Day care $25 / day