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Loretta L.
Toronto M5N, Ontario
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Loretta

60 years old
In addition to being a proud pet parent (previously large breeds Lou and Max and cat Jerry) and active animal rescue advocate my pet care experience includes in home dog daycare / boarding and walking, and full time dog, child and house sitting (My Best Friend Has 4 Legs). I still work part time so my cat MiuMiu is used to me coming and going. I have a particular passion and level of patience for senior and special needs animals. Additionally, I have also worked on a part time basis at retail, specifically as a representative for dog and cat food for pet supplies store, and am a strategic adviser for a country club for dogs. I have been a long term volunteer at the Montreal SPCA and a previous fund raising committee member at the Toronto Humane Society.

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Large dogs: 20-30 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $25 / visit
Walking $30 / walk
Overnight sitting $50 / night
Day care $50 / day