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Julie C.
Toronto M4S, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Julie

60 years old
I am a great animal lover. I grew up with dogs and currently have a dog, 2 cats and a rabbit and they bring me a lot of joy. I have a great deal of experience with dogs, cats and small mammals. I have volunteered at a dog daycare. I offer dog-walking and cat-sitting services. Each pet is an individual with their own personalities and needs and I enjoy getting to know them so that I can provide them the best care possible. I am reliable, trustworthy, knowledgeable, organized, and enthusiastic about working with animals. I am Pet First Aid certified, bonded and insured and also have a police reference check. I have also completed dog training courses with my dogs, so I am well-versed in basic obedience training. I am also knowledgeable and experienced in caring for cats. I am safety-conscious and would provide the best care for your pets according to your requirements and their needs.
Non-smoker Has own transportation


based on 4 reviews
JM Jaye M.
Reviewed on 30/04/2016
It was such a comfort to our family to have Julie checking in on our pets while we were away. She was well prepared and always provided us with a detailed update with each visit. We will definitely hire her again!

Experience caring for

Small mammal(s)
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
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Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $22 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $25 / visit
Walking $28 / walk
Day care $30 / day