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Jessica D.
Winnipeg R2N, Manitoba
From $15 /hr
year exp.
From $15
Hourly rate

About Jessica

32 years old
Are you looking for a trustworthy and caring person to look after your cat? Look no further! With over 20 years of experience growing up on a farm surrounded by more than 9 cats, I’ve developed a deep love and understanding of feline needs. I currently have 3 cats of my own, and I’m passionate about providing the same care, attention, and affection to your cat while you’re away. Whether it’s feeding, playtime, or simply keeping your furry friend company, you can trust me to treat your cat as my own. Let me give you peace of mind knowing your cat is in good hands! Why Choose Me? • Over 20 years of cat care experience • Friendly, loving, and reliable • Personalized care tailored to your cat’s needs • Available for short-term or long-term sitting Contact me today to schedule your cat sitting service. Your cat will thank you!
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $15 / hour
Grooming $25 / hour
Training $20 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Overnight sitting $30 / night
Day care $25 / day