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Janiece H.
Calgary T2A, Alberta
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Janiece

27 years old
I grew up on a farm in rural Alberta, and I've had animals my whole life. I've never not had a dog or a cat in the house, and usually we always had more than one. I spent most of my junior high school years walking dogs at the SPCA in my spare time, and then when I was able to drive I began house sitting and farm sitting for the locals in my town until I graduated high school and went to college. In 2019 I moved to Calgary, and after 2 months I realized how lonely I was without an animal here. I contacted one of the individuals who I used to house/pet sit for who also manages the SPCA from my home town and they actually let me choose a cat and gave it to me. He is my absolute best friend, and got me through a lot of tough times in my initial move here. I now have a pitbull terrier, Odin, and another cat, Callie, as well as of course my best boy Muss. I also care for my husbands sisters cats Dio (an Insulin dependant diabetic cat), and Nook. I have extensive experience caring for dogs and cats, and I have also fostered cats with AARCS in Calgary. I am very easy to contact and I am trained in conflict management and prevention. I have a very calm demeanor and know how to deescalate a situation.
Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Farm animal(s)
Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
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Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $20 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $20 / visit
Walking $25 / walk