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Janice S.
Arnprior K7S, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Janice

53 years old Speaks English
I have a natural calm about me and animals tend to take to me quickly. I just love animals of all kinds and have a really great connection to them. I love working with them and spending time with them and getting to know them. I myself always grew up with a dog and cat in the house. On my own now, I have 3 cats, a 7 year old wild starling, and a kinkajou named Jack. I randomly foster and rehome dogs, but do not have one of my own at the moment. Experience wise, I have house and pet sat since I was a late teen, I started dog walking recently to make some extra income and it went over wonderfully.. I worked in the pet care section of Petsmart for 4 years.. And like I said, I grew up around pets.. Dogs, cats, rabbits, hamster, rats, fish, skinny pig, bearded dragon, kinkajou, mice, different kinds of birds (small).. And also bird sat for three large birds every Friday for a year (including a macaw and an umbrella cockatoo). I have great pet sitting references and several regular clients who have been using me for years.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Small mammal(s)
Reptile(s) / Amphibian(s)
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $10 / visit
Walking $10 / walk
Overnight sitting $45 / night
Day care $25 / day