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Jacqueline T.
North York M3A, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Jacqueline

25 years old
Hi my name is Jacqueline. I am 21 years old and just graduated from university. I am offering cat sitting services. When I am cat sitting, I am home all day with your cat(s). I also only cat sit for one client at a time (up to 3 cats). I have my own litter box for your cat(s) which I clean on a daily basis. I live in my own apartment (with plenty of space) and I don't have any pets of my own. I live near Fairview mall. I love animals and grew up with two pet cats in my family home. I charge $15/day or $20/overnight stay. No additional fees for extra cats. Your cat(s) will be free to roam around anywhere in my apartment.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Young pets
Elderly pets
Adult pets

Services and pricing

Price per session

Overnight sitting $20 / night
Day care $10 / day
Feeding $25 / visit