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Iuliana R.
Hamilton L8P, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Iuliana

41 years old
Experienced Education Assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the primary/secondary education industry. Skilled in Pet Care,House Sitting, Flexible Schedule, Photography. Over 5 years experience in Pet Care - mostly walking, feeding and in owners home sitting. My current work schedule allows me to walk your dog, between the hours of 9am-1:30pm each day. As well as from 6pm- 9pm. My weekends can be pretty flexible as well to care for your pet(s). I grew up around dogs of all sizes and different animals and my love for them just keeps growing. I appreciate my friends/colleagues who rely on me to dog/cat sit for them regularly.
Non-smoker Has own transportation


based on 1 review
CC Corina C.
Reviewed on 30/10/2018
Iuliana was a wonderful nanny to my 2.5 year old daughter. She taught songs, read to her, and made sure she was fed, bathed, and ready for bed every night! Fluent in several languages, Iuli was always ready to answer my daughter's questions and supportive of toddler exploration. I couldn't ask for a better helper - she was unfailingly punctual, polite, and easy-going (even when I was not); it was always nice to talk about what they had done that day. I seriously doubt that a situation could arise which Iuli couldn't handle. She is calm, confident in her abilities, and is a great problem solver. She showed a terrific amount of initiative, independence, and flexibility, and I was very comfortable leaving my daughter in her care.

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $16 / visit
Walking $16 / walk