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Gessica H.
Burnaby V3J, British Columbia
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Gessica

32 years old
Hello, I'm Gessica, 29 years old and have been pet sitting and pet walking for a while. I grow up with dogs and cats and I always took care of friends and family members pets when they needed. I worked as a pet sitter for the past years in London, USA and in Brazil and I loved it, used to play with them, care for them, make them company and walk them as well. I am a student of Marketing and Sales and I'm in the field looking for making new pet friends and some extra money a part from my main job. And of course, having some fun with the animals as well, which is very important too, for me and for the pets. Feel free to ask me any question and Ill answer as fast as I can! I like to have an open relation and talk with the pet owners so they can feel they can trust me with their little fur friends. I'm always here to answer any question and would love to get to know the owners thoughts about my work as well. And if you have special requests about the care of your animal, I would love to have all the information to make sure everything is correct! Thank you for reading until here!

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $18 / visit
Walking $22 / walk
Overnight sitting $26 / night