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Daniela N.
Nepean K2J, Ontario
From $10 /hr
From $10
Hourly rate

About Daniela

20 years old
I have had my dog for twelve years and I've walked her and looked after her and it's always gone well. I have had experience with high-energy breed dogs since she is a very active cocker spaniel maltese that has lots of energy. My aunt also has two small dogs and two cats and I've fed them, walked them, and looked after them and I've had no issues! I love dogs and cats and think looking after them would be a challenging but rewarding task. I am willing to learn more about trainable behavioral issues. Feel free to message me back if you have any questions.

Experience caring for

Small dogs < 10 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Grooming $25 / hour
Training $20 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Overnight sitting $25 / night
Day care $25 / day