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Daniela B.
Gloucester K1V, Ontario
From $30 /hr
From $30
Hourly rate

About Daniela

47 years old
Years of experience caring for dogs, cats and other animals. I was born and raised on a dairy farm and frankly I prefer animals for most people. I am comfortable with any breed and size of dog cat or other animals. I’m also comfortable administering meds as I have some clients I do this for on a regular basis. I can offer overnight boarding in my home or yours, easy going and will communicate worn owners on an ongoing basis via text and videos so pet owners have peace of mind when not around their fur babies. I’m very proud to say that I commit to pets 100 per cent meaning I don’t do multiple sittings unless the person is asking for it w their pets and your pets are my top priority. If they’re w me they get to sleep w me sit on the couch and get cuddles as well as two long walks a day and lots of play time. Ps- check ins or daily feedings are limited tk the following areas: Riverside South, Manotick, Barrhaven Greely and Metcalfe due to distance
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Farm animal(s)
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $30 / visit
Overnight sitting $70 / night
Day care $55 / day