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Courtney S.
Toronto M5S, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Courtney

32 years old
I have owned cats for 20 years and was obsessed with cats from an early age. I currently have two cats of my own - a black cat named Athena, and a Russian blue named Colm. Growing up, my family always had at least two cats over the course of my childhood and early years of adulthood. Through the ownership all of these cats, I am well aware of the level of commitment and care that these wonderful animals need, and can empathize greatly with the needs and desires of other cat owners. I have experience administering oral and topical medication to cats, as well as treating ear mites, treating and bathing for fleas, and comfortably grooming and trimming nails. I have a completely flexible schedule - as a graduate student and academic professional, this type of part time work is something that works well with my lifestyle and I love to working with cats in any capacity. I further have access to public transportation only and am generally limited to the central Toronto area, but am willing to go further. Looking forward to hear from you!

Experience caring for

Young pets
Elderly pets
Adult pets

Services and pricing

Price per session

Overnight sitting $25 / night
Feeding $15 / visit