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Claudia C.
Vancouver V6B, British Columbia
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Claudia

38 years old
~Cat boarding~ ~Also offer house visits within the Yaletown area~ Hi! I'm in my mid 30s and have volunteered for years fostering over 15 cats and kittens for the SPCA and VOKRA. I grew up with 4 cats so I’ve taken care of cats my whole life. I live alone in a 1000 sq ft apartment so lots of room for your furry best friend to run around. My place is equipped with pet stairs (for senior cats), litterboxes, cozy pet beds, and toys. I love to spoil my houseguests with lots of affection, fresh canned food several times a day (depending on their routine), playtime every day, and they get full roam of my place and snuggles on my bed during the night. I make sure to kitty proof my place so they can't get into any trouble with sharp objects/loose string/elastics/hairties. I had to put down my own cat recently so I don't have any pets, and I won't take on any other animals at the same time if I'm taking your cat(s) in so they'll get a private stay here :)

Experience caring for

Young pets
Elderly pets
Adult pets

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $15 / hour

Price per session

Overnight sitting $30 / night