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Chely C.
Fairfax R0K, Manitoba
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Chely

33 years old
I used to have a dog growing up, and his name was King. When he was a little, I potty trained him, and after he got older, we used to go on long runs with him. He was a friendly dog. I currently do not have pets because I live in a small place. However, I often do dog sit for family and friends when they go out of town. I care for their pet as if they were my own. We all share a special bond with dogs. We know how important these animals are to our lives and how much we love them. But what makes us so passionate about them? Some people believe that dogs are only loyal to their owners due to the food and shelter they receive. However, if you have ever met a dog that has shown loyalty to its owner, you would probably realize that this is more than just a statement. There are many examples of dogs that have shown this type of loyalty. For instance, Hachiko, a dog, would go to the train station every day to wait for his owner to arrive.

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Large dogs: 20-30 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $20 / visit
Walking $30 / walk