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Charlene H.
Pickering L1W, Ontario
From $10 /hr
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Charlene

45 years old
Just relocated to Frenchman's Bay area in Pickering. I have seven + years of experience in Dog Handling. I've done it all! From Dog Walking to Managing a Daycare. And my career in this field has been as diverse as Pet Relocation to Bathing in a Grooming Salon. I am certified in Pet First Aid, am working on becoming a Certified Trainer and have 10 years of experience But those are just credentials... and let face it folks, at the end of the day... Your Fur-Babies tail doesn't wag, just because someone's got "credentials".... What makes their tails way is when they meet a human whom genuinely loves them. Dogs are able to decipher a good person from a bad one almost instantly. I love animals, but have a special bond with Canines, they sense this... and they know it. I have cared for pups my entire life, and want to assure you, that I will without a shadow of a doubt, love yours as well I am mature, reliable, bondable and able to provide: Walking Transport Play date Train Some Grooming
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Reptile(s) / Amphibian(s)
Small mammal(s)
Exotic pet(s)
Elderly pets
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Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $15 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $25 / walk
Day care $40 / day