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Catherine B.
Kitchener N2C, Ontario
From $15 /hr
years exp.
From $15
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Catherine

27 years old
Hi, I’m Catherine! I’m a huge dog-lover and grew up with dogs my whole life. I have a sweet toy poodle of my own and he’s my baby boy. I have one year of accumulated experience feeding, pet sitting, and walking puppies and dogs (that are not my own) of many breeds as well as some training knowledge. I love being active and would be more than happy to provide the best care and service possible to your precious pup! I have my own transportation and currently available between 12pm and 8:30pm every week day except for Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can also be available Saturdays after 12pm. Prices may change based on driving time to compensate for the cost of gas, but are generally $15 for a 30 minute walk and $30 for a 1 hour walk. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Large dogs: 20-30 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Day care $30 / day